Sample TV and radio interviews:
Guns Under Fire: Anderson Cooper Town Hall Special. CNN program addressing fears about guns, mental health, and media influences.

Penn & Teller: Bullshit (Showtime). Episode on video game violence.
Washington Journal (C-SPAN). Pedro Echevarria interviews Cheryl Olson about Washington politics and video game research.
WBUR Boston (NPR). “My Son, the Dragon Slayer.” Carey Goldberg interviews Dr. Olson for a story on parental video game dilemmas.
New Tech City (WNYC/NPR). Do violent video games cause violent behavior?
The Exchange (New Hampshire Public Radio). “Views on Violent Video Games.” Dr. Olson and callers talk about video game concerns in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy.
The Diane Rehm Show (WAMU/NPR). On the Supreme Court, free speech, and media violence.
G4 X-Play. Face Time: Interview with Lawrence Kutner and Cheryl Olson about Grand Theft Childhood book
WNYC: Note to Self, Do Violent Video Games Cause Violent Behavior?
Sample print interviews:
Greater Good (UC Berkeley): “Playing the Blame Game.”
The Ringer: When the Culture Wars Came to Liberty City (moral panic over video games)
Psych Central: Media’s Damaging Depictions of Mental Illness
Boston Globe: Philip Morris Sells Cigarettes, But Can It Sell Integrity, Too?